SWAP Import Templates

The SWAP Import Templates contains each of the tables that need to be filled out for importing.  The SWAP Import Templates spreadsheet has blank sheets with the column names labeled for you.

Link to File: https://northeastwildlifediversity.org/sites/default/files/2024-09/swap-import-templates-v18.xlsx

  • 9/3/2024
    • Remove the Salinity modifier from Palustrine
    • Add the following modifiers to Estuarine (note that they are all optional)
      • Salinity
      • Hydroperiod
      • Grass/Forb Density 
      • Grass/Forb Height
      • Shrub Density
      • Tree Density
      • River Size
      • Temperature Class
      • Oxygen Level
      • pH
  • 6/25/2024
    • Added Salinity to Palustrine and Riverine based on decision made in Steering Committee meetting.
  • 12/5/2023
    • Added optional field "State Location" to Action and Threat
    • Added optional fields "State Listed" and "State Legal Status" to SGCN
    • Changed several fields on Action and Threat to Not Required
    • Added "Continental Shelf and Marine" as an option for action location
    • Changed Threat Class 12 to "Other Options" and added 6 sub classes for other threat classification needs
  • 11/6/2023
    • Added State Habitat Name to Associated Habitats
    • Added State Threat Name to Threats
    • Added State Action Name to Actions


Publication date